ISIS attacks a security checkpoint in Diyala

ISIS attacks a security checkpoint in Diyala

 Shafaq News/ A security source reported that ISIS attacked Friday evening at a security checkpoint northeast of the Diyala.

 The commander of the Nidaa Diyala Brigade of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), Zaham Ismail al-Jubouri, told Shafaq News Agency, "ISIS elements targeted a security point in the village of Abu Dahan, north of Muqdadiya district using snipers.

The attack injured a soldier, a member of the Diyala Brigade, and a woman.

 He confirmed that the Iraqi Army and the PMF repelled the attack, and the situation is under control."

 It’s noteworthy that the areas north of Muqdadiya are subjected to frequent attacks due to their proximity to the Hemrin Hills, where ISIS has taken them as strongholds.

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