Huqooq Movement objects to the UN Security Council's statement regarding the elections

Huqooq Movement objects to the UN Security Council's statement regarding the elections
2021-10-23 05:13

Shafaq News/ The Huqooq Movement affiliated with the Shiite Coordination Framework rejected on Friday the UN Security Council's statement, which praised the efforts of the caretaker government and its success in holding the parliamentary elections

the spokesperson for the Movement, Ali Fadlallah, told Shafaq News Agency, "The statement of the UN Security Council regarding the elections and its praise of the efforts of the Commission is expected because the position of the United Nations representative in Iraq (UNAMI) was not neutral."

He added that UNAMI gave the Council an "image that elections were fair and transparent," adding that "The coordination Framework will take a position on the UN statement."

"Our Movement objects to this non-neutral statement; it was supposed to wait for the final results after being approved by the Federal Court. The objection of the political class and the street confirms that there is a major breach and monopoly in the election results."

Fadlallah said, "There will be national, legal, and popular responses because the timing of the statement is provocative when we are waiting for the appeals to be resolved."

The coordination framework of the Shiite forces announced its total rejection of the election results on Saturday.

Earlier, the gathering said in a statement, "We hoped that the Electoral Commission would correct the major violations it committed during and after counting the votes and announcing the results."

"After its insistence on the results, we announce our total rejection of these results."

The Framework held the Commission "full responsibility for the failure of the electoral process and its mismanagement, which will negatively affect the democratic path and societal reconciliation."

For its part, The UN Security Council congratulated the Iraqi people and the Government on the occasion of the latest elections, held on 10 October.

"The members of the Security Council welcomed interim reports that the early elections proceeded smoothly and featured significant technical and procedural improvements from previous elections," The Security Council said in a statement.

"The members of the Security Council commended the Independent High Electoral Commission for conducting a technically sound elections, and the Government of Iraq for its preparations for the elections and for preventing violence on Election Day."

"The members of the Security Council commended the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for providing IHEC technical assistance and international monitoring team the Government of Iraq requested to strengthen the electoral process and promote transparency." The statement added.

"The members reiterated the UN Secretary-General's call for all stakeholders to show patience and respect to the electoral timeline. The members of the Security Council stressed that any electoral disputes that may arise should be resolved peacefully through established legal channels. Once the results are ratified, the members of the Security Council look forward to the peaceful formation of an inclusive government the reflects the will of the Iraqi people and their call for a stronger democracy." The statement said.

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