High-level discussions between Iraq's PM and KRI’s President focus on national issues

High-level discussions between Iraq's PM and KRI’s President focus on national issues

Shafaq News / The media office of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani announced that he received Kurdistan Region (KRI) President Nechirvan Barzani and his accompanying delegation on Saturday.

According to a statement from Al-Sudani's office, the meeting involved discussions on various national issues, recent security and political developments in the region, and the reaffirmation of Iraq's steadfast positions in facing challenges to stability. Both parties emphasized Iraq's sovereignty under diverse circumstances.

The statement highlighted deliberations on mechanisms to resolve issues between the federal government and the regional government (KRG), ensuring citizens in KRI are spared any harm or bearing the brunt of administrative, financial, and economic challenges.

In a separate aspect of the meeting, political and security situations in Iraq, the latest regional developments, and Erbil-Baghdad relations were addressed. Both sides stressed the necessity of protecting the country's security, stability, and sovereignty, keeping Iraq away from the problems and complexities of the region.

The meeting also involved a serious dialogue regarding the steps taken by KRG and Baghdad to resolve budget and salary issues, resume oil exports from KRI, and address various administrative, financial, and economic matters.

The statement highlighted the mutual agreement that these issues can be resolved according to the constitution without causing harm to the citizens of the Region. President Nechirvan Barzani reiterated the need for a final solution to the salaries of Kurdistan’s employees, emphasizing the importance of keeping this matter separate from other issues.

The statement concluded by noting that a range of issues of mutual interest formed another focal point of the meeting.

It is noteworthy that President Barzani arrived in Baghdad earlier in the day to participate in the official commemoration ceremony for "Iraqi Martyr Day", marking the anniversary of the assassination of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim. During the commemoration, President Barzani called on political forces to address the salary and budget problems between Erbil and Baghdad.

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