Hezbollah Brigades still committed to its approach not to participate in the elections, Statement says

Hezbollah Brigades still committed to its approach not to participate in the elections, Statement says

Shafaq News / The Hezbollah Brigades (Kata’ib Hezbollah) revealed, on Saturday, its position on the Iraqi legislative elections.

The Brigades said in a statement, that it “is still committed to its steadfast approach not to participate in the elections, and at its principled position (standing at the same distance from all righteous people) that are distinguished by integrity, competence, commitment to national foundations and constants, moral and ideological values, and adopting positions of rejecting the foreign colonial presence, and with their support of the axis of resistance, and their opposition to calls for normalization with the Zionist entity, and to oppose attempts to spread vice, drugs, moral corruption, and deviant cultures that are promoted by suspicious organizations linked to the Zionist and American enemy.”

The Statement added that it "expressed its readiness to provide its support to those possessing these qualities (regardless of race and affiliation). The supreme goal for us is to crown the success of the elections with the victory of the principled, honorable and righteous national forces that are ready to sacrifice for the sake of their people, defend them and their values, and provide decent livelihoods for all its components on the base of citizenship and common constants. "

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