Graduates and employees storm the streets of five governorates

Graduates and employees storm the streets of five governorates

Shafaq News/ Demonstrators stormed the streets of Dhi Qar, Diyala, Wasit, Maysan, and al-Sulaymaniyah today.

Graduates demanding appointment shut down the Dhi Qar governorate building, and asked the employees in the governorate office to stand up to their demands and prevented them from entering.

In Wasit, dozens of graduates who were not lecturers closed the Wasit education department to demand job opportunities, similar to their peers in Maysan who also demonstrated in front of the education department having the same demands.

Graduates from technical institutes in Diyala demonstrated in front of the governorate building demanding job opportunities, blocking an entire street.

In addition, employees and professors of al-Sulaymaniyah University protested the delay in disbursing their salaries.

A demonstrator, who is also an employee, told Shafaq News Agency, "The administrative and educational staff demonstrated in front of the Presidency of the University of al-Sulaymaniyah calling for three demands, which are receiving the salaries that must have been disbursed 50 days, promotions and bonuses, and disbursing the allocations deducted from their salaries on the pretext of the financial crisis."

The protesters confirmed that they would continue the sit-in until the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan responds to their demands, calling on other universities to support them.

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