Four ISIS terrorists arrested in three different Iraqi governorates today

Four ISIS terrorists arrested in three different Iraqi governorates today
Shafaq News / The Security Media Cell announced arresting four terrorists in separate operations in Baghdad, Kirkuk and Nineveh.

 The cell said in a statement that based on accurate intelligence information, the security forces managed to arrest three terrorists in Kirkuk, Nineveh and Abu Ghraib.

Al-Jazeera Operations Command managed to seize a pile of ammunition and explosives in Haditha and Al-Karma in al-Anbar and Rabia west of Nineveh, that included 33 explosive devices, 5 different mortar rounds and 4 grenades.

 The cell added that a terrorist called Umm Hafsa al-Rawi was also arrested in al-Ghazaliya area in Baghdad. She distributed Kafalas to ISIS familie within al-Karkh sector.

The Security Media Cell also pointed out that al-Hashd al-Shaabi forces embarked on a service campaign to remove the earthen berm extending along the road linking Abu Gharib and Al-Karma districts to avoid traffic accidents.

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