Former Iraqi MP clashes with officials over pool on disputed land

Former Iraqi MP clashes with officials over pool on disputed land

Shafaq News/ A security source revealed, on Friday, details of a verbal altercation and complaint involving former Iraqi MP Iyad al-Jubouri and a group of officers from the Ministries of Interior and Defense, concerning a recreational pool built on disputed land.

The incident occurred on July 22 when al-Jubouri engaged in a heated argument with the officers, a representative from the National Security Service, and the Ministry of Agriculture, the source told Shafaq News Agency.

The dispute arose when the joint committee requested documentation from the former MP to prove his ownership of the land on which the recreational pool was constructed, as well as the investment license for the project. Al-Jubouri, angered by the request, argued with the committee and subsequently expelled them from the premises. Following the altercation, the officers filed a legal complaint against him.

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