Five killed in armed attack on a PMF fighter in Baghdad

Five killed in armed attack on a PMF fighter in Baghdad

Shafaq News / Five members of the same family were reportedly killed in an attack that targeted the residence of a fighter in al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) in the south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that four unidentified armed persons raided the residence of a PMF member in al-A'lam neighborhood and sprayed the entire family with bullets.

The attack resulted in injuring the fighter, and Killing his wife and three children.

It is worth noting that Brigade 45 of the PMF consists of the Iraqi Hezbollah brigades fighters, close to Iran.

The incident cast a striking resemblance to the incident that took place in the district of Jableh (Babel) in which twenty members of the same family were killed.

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