Fire erupts in historic Khan in Kirkuk's Grand Bazaar

Fire erupts in historic Khan in Kirkuk's Grand Bazaar

Shafaq News/ On Sunday, a fire broke out in a historic Khan within Kirkuk's Grand Bazaar, causing extensive material damage, a Civil Defense source reported.

The blaze erupted in the Khan Kirdar and consumed numerous shops and goods.

"The Civil Defense teams managed to control the fire," the source said, adding that an investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the fire.

Last Friday, a fire ripped through a shopping complex in central Kirkuk, causing partial damage but no injuries, a source in the Civil Defense said.

The blaze erupted in the "Tun City Markets" complex, located in the Qadisiyah neighborhood, a source familiar with the incident told Shafaq News. The complex is known for selling food items to thousands daily.

Kirkuk, known for its ancient commercial significance, has long been a hub for traders and travelers, housing numerous Khans and shops that cater to their needs.

The city, especially during the late Ottoman era, was renowned for its commercial and agricultural activities, with Khans playing a crucial role in its economic and architectural landscape.

In the last months, similar fires have broken out in Langa Bazaar in Erbil, where hundreds of shops have been destroyed.

Notably, an external entity has purportedly claimed responsibility for the major fires in Erbil and similar actions in Northern Syria and Kirkuk.

The group, identified as a Turkish organization named "Ahdi Milli Teskilati (Turkish: Ahd-ı Milli Teşkilatı / English: National Covenant Organization,) declared on its website ( that its members ignited the blazes in Erbil's bazaar.

The claims made could not be independently verified.

The organization, Ahd-i Milli Teşkilatı, whose name was heard for the first time, claimed in a statement on its website under the title, "You will see the power of the Turks," "We burned down the bazaar."

The organization's website features a black map of Turkiye with a grey wolf at its center. The grey wolf symbol is significant in Turkish politics, representing the ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves movement.

Ahd-i Milli Teşkilatı stated that the Kurdistan Region is within the borders of the National Pact and asked the Kurdish administration to take action to connect it to Turkiye as soon as possible; otherwise, it will "face major attacks."

The group pledged to continue their attacks.

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