Families of Martyrs in Dhi Qar Deny Nominating anyone for Governor's position

Families of Martyrs in Dhi Qar Deny  Nominating anyone for Governor's position

Shafaq News/ The October Revolution martyrs families said on Sunday that they would never nominate a candidate from their group to hold the office of the provincial council's head in lieu of the resigned governor, Nadhim El-Waeli.

A statement of the families said, "We, the families of martyrs of the peaceful protests in Nasiriyah, announce that we did not nominate any of us for the governor's position."

The statement added, "We do not nominate neither support the nomination of anyone."

The Iraqi PM, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, had nominated, on Friday, February 26, the Head of National Security Service, Abdul Ghani Al-Asadi, as the governor of Dhi Qar in Lieu of Nadhim El-Waeli.

Clashes between the Iraqi law enforcement forces and the protestors in Dhi have wounded and killed scores of people in the continuing violence that has been rocking the city of Nasiriyah recently.

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