Exclusive: Federal Court to review KDP appeal on Kirkuk Council's legitimacy, says council member

Exclusive: Federal Court to review KDP appeal on Kirkuk Council's legitimacy, says council member

Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, Kirkuk Provincial Council member Shokhan Haseeb announced that the Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) will review the complaint and appeal submitted by council members from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

Regarding the legitimacy of the session that formed the provincial administration and council, Haseeb told Shafaq News Agency, "We are confident that the Iraqi judiciary will be the decisive authority in establishing the truth."

On August 10, the governor and head of the Kirkuk Provincial Council were elected in Baghdad. Rebwar Taha from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) was appointed governor, while Mohammed Ibrahim Hafez, representing the Arab community, was elected chairman of the 16-seat provincial council.

Before the meeting, the KDP, 3 Arab bloc members, and Turkmen Front announced their boycott, calling the session "illegal" and noting they had not been invited.

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