Erbil to proceed discussion with Baghdad

Erbil to proceed discussion with Baghdad

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Regional Government decided to discuss with The Federal Government in the differences and issues, according to the Kurdish PM.

“We feel sorry to be in such an economic situation in Al-Adha holidays. It is very hard and it is beyond our will and the will of Kurdistan government”, he said.

Adding that “At the beginning of the crisis, we spent all our effort to reduce the impacts on our citizens, but unfortunately the international crisis is above the government financial capacity”, he proceeded saying “In spite of all the difficulty, I hope that our people have faith in their government, which have done everything it can to provide salaries in Kurdistan Region. We wish that the discussions with the federal government after Al-Adha holiday will lead to a fair deal, that will insure the legal financial rights for the Kurdish people”.

It is noteworthy that The Federal Government led by Adil Abdul-Mahdi, the ex-PM, stopped to pay the employees’ salaries in Kurdistan; claiming that Kurdistan had breached an agreement to deliver 250 thousand oil barrel a day to SOMO company owned by Baghdad. However, Erbil denies the accusation.

More than two months ago the Iraqi government agreed to pay the salaries of the employees for one month, and it stipulated the regular paying to have an agreement about oil, and Kurdistan’s share in the Federal budget.

Kurdistan Regional Government decided last June to cut 21% of employees’ salaries for one month, due to the financial crisis, as a result of Baghdad’s decision, and the declining of oil prices in global markets. Explaining that it had decided to reduce the salaries to be able to distribute the available funds to all employees.

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