Diyala Police foils an ISIS attack in al-Abbara

Diyala Police foils an ISIS attack in al-Abbara

Shafaq News/ A force from Diyala's Police Department clashed with a group of ISIS militants near a police station on the outskirts of al-Abbara sub-district, northeast Baqubah, earlier today, Saturday.

Al-Abbara's administrator, Shaker Mazen Mulla Jawad, told Shafaq News Agency that a group of ISIS snipers attacked a checkpoint near al-Nasr police station in the village of al-Zuhra in the east of the sub-district.

"The police force engaged with the group attempting to destroy a thermographic surveillance camera and forced them to flee into nearby orchards," he said, "police launched a combing campaign in the vicinity of the site."

"The situation is under control," he concluded.

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