Demonstrators of Al-Haboubi Square in Dhi Qar apologize to the citizens

Demonstrators of Al-Haboubi Square in Dhi Qar apologize to the citizens

Shafaq News / Demonstrators of Al-Haboubi Square in Dhi Qar, southern Iraq, expressed on Thursday to the citizens a “heartfelt apology” for closing bridges.

The demonstrators pledged in a statement to follow escalated steps rejecting the nomination of Abdul Ridha Saud for the post of governor of Dhi Qar.

Meanwhile, Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that graduates prevented employees from entering the building of the Nasiriya Governorate demanding job opportunities.

In the same context, a group of students closed Dhi Qar's education directorate for the second day in a row demanding to postpone the mid-year exams.

Also, students in Maysan Governorate demonstrated in front of the Governorate's Education Directorate for the same reason.

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