Demonstrations in Baghdad demand revealing the killers of lawyer Ali Jaseb's father

Demonstrations in Baghdad demand revealing the killers of lawyer Ali Jaseb's father
Shafaq News / Dozens of people demonstrated in al-Tahrir Square in Baghdad today, protesting the assassination of Jaseb Al-Hiliji, the father of the kidnapped lawyer and civil activist, Ali Jaseb al-Hiliji.

A security source told Shafaq News agency that the demonstrators demanded the concerned authorities to disclose the perpetrator's name.

The source indicated that riot police cordoned off the Square to protect the demonstrators and prevent them from leaving it.

Yesterday, another source reported that the security forces had arrested six suspects.

A few hours later, Maysan Police Directorate announced arresting the criminal.

For its part, the Maysan Governorate Police Directorate said that the motives of the crime are tribal disputes and pending lawsuits.

Amarah investigation court in Maysan verified today the accused's confessions in the murder of Jasim Hattab Al-Hiliji, the father of the kidnapped lawyer Ali Jaseb al-Hiliji, after he was arrested by the security authorities hours after the crime.

The Media Center of the Supreme Judicial Council said in a statement, "the accused confessed that the victim (who is his aunt's husband) was accusing him of kidnapping his son, which led to disputes that reached to file a complaint against him, indicating that the pressures he was subjected to forced him to kill the victim."

A security source in Maysan reported yesterday that the father of the currently kidnapped lawyer, Ali Jaseb, was killed.

 The source told Shafaq News Agency, "Unidentified persons riding a motorcycle opened fire in al-Maared area and shot dead Jaseb's father."

Until now, the motives of the crime are still unknown.

The Iraqi lawyer and activist, Ali Jaseb, was kidnapped on October 8, 2019.

 A surveillance camera documented the moment of the kidnapping, showing unidentified masked men apprehending him after a woman lured him.

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