Counter-Terrorism Service delivers the final blow against ISIS in “Southern Province”, Statement says

Counter-Terrorism Service delivers the final blow against ISIS in “Southern Province”, Statement says

Shafaq News / Iraq’s Counter-Terrorism Service has arrested on Thursday an ISIS prominent leader in southern Baghdad.

The spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Maj. Gen. Yahya Rasool, announced in a statement that "Counter-Terrorism forces carried out operations in Al-Radwaniyah, Al-Yusufiya and Al-Dora, south of Baghdad, and arrested the terrorist Abu Hanan, who works as the Emir of Hamza Sector / South Sector.”

The operation led to destroying ISIS hideout and seizing ammunition and weapons in Al-Yusufiya.

The Counter-terrorism forces also struck the central hideout of the “Southern province” in the Al-Zaidan district of Al-Radwaniyah, which killed three terrorists, Abu Osama, Abu Rabie , and Abu Sarah.

According to the statement, those ISIS members provided support to the suicide terrorists who blew themselves up on innocent citizens in Tayaran Square.

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