Coordination Framework warns of a "huge gap" in the Shiite community if talks falter

Coordination Framework warns of a "huge gap" in the Shiite community if talks falter

Shafaq News/ The Coordination Framework cast doubts on the feasibility of convening the parliamentary session called on Saturday to elect a president of the republic, highlighting a "huge gap" amongst the ranks of Iraq's largest component, in reference to the Shiite community.

In a statement it ascribed as "important", the Shiite forces consortium said on Wednesday, "We appeal to all our partners to exhibit the honest spirit of nationalism, pursue the interest of the homeland, and eschew whatever tampers with its security and stability."

"The suffering of our people continue to exacerbate, day after day, due to the lack of prudent policies that lays the foundations of a prosperous life and lifts the poor people out from the quagmire of ignorance and corruption."

"Exercising democracy in Iraq presupposes a parliament that enacts laws and oversees a government that fruits from the consensus of the elected political forces."

"We believe that the pressure toward holding a session that does not fulfill the requirements, in terms of quorum and convictions, by major elite and independent players might compromise the rights of Iraq's largest component which went through pain and bitterness, creates a gap in their ranks, divides and degrades them."

"The Coordination Framework has worked to bring back together the Shiite home and invited the other political forces to talks...which resulted in a 'guarantor one-third' that might tamper with the rights of the largest component, particularly its largest bloc, rectify any derailment in the path of the political process, and ensure that those who do not believe in Iraq's unity and work to safeguard its fortunes, information, and security, do not take over."

"The session on Saturday will not take place for the lack of quorum," the statement said, "talks with other political parties will continue to converge the views and achieve more agreements, which expedites the future entitlements."

Yesterday, the trilateral alliance among the Sadrist bloc headed by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, Masoud Barzani's the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) faction, and the Sunni al-Siyada (Sovereignty) Alliance headed by Khamis al-Khanjar announced a new pact titled "Rescue Alliance" and unveiled their nominations for the presidency and premiership.

In a live press conference aired by Iraq's state television, the alliance nominated Reber Ahmed, a Kurd from the KDP for the Iraqi presidency, and nominated Iraq's current ambassador to the United Kingdom, Mohammad Jaafar al-Sadr for the position of prime minister. The latter is al-Sadr's cousin and son of the revered Shiite leader Sayyid Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr.

Muqtada al-Sadr later on described in a tweet the alliance as "the largest bloc" and a "milestone towards forming a national majority government without delay".

According to Iraq's constitution, a parliamentary bloc with the biggest number of lawmakers is entitled to name a prime minister, who has the most powers within the country's governing system.

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