Coordination Framework denies reports on internal disagreements after al-Sadr's withdrawal 

Coordination Framework denies reports on internal disagreements after al-Sadr's withdrawal 

Shafaq News/ The Coordination Framework on Tuesday said that its member parties share the same attitude toward the recent developments in the Iraqi political arena, refuting media reports about divisions inside the Shiite forces consortium.

"The [Coordination] Framework and its allies are open to dialogue with all the political parties to expedite the discharge of constitutional entitlements," the Coordination Framework said in a press release.

The press release denied "naming anyone to any position. Leaks saying otherwise only aim to confuse the situation."

The Coordination Framework said it enjoys a "high level of harmony between its members."

"The talk on social media and news wires about disagreements inside the Coordination Framework are unfounded. It only aims to shuffle the cards and confuse the public opinion."

Earlier today, a source revealed that the resignation of the Sadrist movement's lawmakers from the Iraqi parliament has laid bare gaping between the leaders of the rival Shiite Coordination Framework. 

The source told Shafaq News Agency that al-Sadr's decision to bow out has pitted the head of the State of Law bloc, Nouri al-Maliki, against al-Fatah bloc, Hadi al-Ameri. 

"The former believes there is no need to talk the Sadrists out of their decision while the latter is sparing no effort to let them back in. In fact, he is planning to send a delegation to al-Hannana to dissuade Muqtada al-Sadr from withdrawing," the source said. 

"Al-Ameri believes that a government cannot succeed in the absence of the Sadrists, unlike al-Maliki," the source added, "al-Ameri arrived late to the meeting after which the Coordination Framework announced its position from the Sadrists' mass resignation. He did not participate in formulating the last two statements of the Coordination Framework."

Sources told Shafaq News Agency that al-Ameri intends to send a delegation to al-Hannana soon. However, the Coordination Framework's recent statements did not hint at such intention.

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