Contract employees and volunteers organize demonstrations in Dhi Qar and al-Sulaymaniyah

Contract employees and volunteers organize demonstrations in Dhi Qar and al-Sulaymaniyah

Shafaq News/ A group of contractors on the payroll of the oil ministry organized a demonstration in Dhi Qar earlier today, Sunday, to demand regularization.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the employees recruited pursuant to decree 315 gathered near the "oil compound 22" in the south of the governorate to demand enlisting them on the ministry's permanent payroll after 12 years in service.

In al-Sulaymaniyah, healthcare providers volunteering in the public sector in al-Sulaymaniyah and Halabja started a strike to demand their inclusion in the recruitment decrees issued by the federal government.

In a press conference held earlier today, the organizers of the strike said that the volunteers are the spine of the healthcare system in al-Sulaymaniyah and Halabja, with more than 12,000 healthcare providers, accounting for 50% of the total workforce, working without being enlisted as employees.

The demonstrators lambasted the negligence of the lawmakers affiliated with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Change (Gorran) Movements for this file.

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