CTS neutralized +700 terrorists since May 2020

CTS neutralized +700 terrorists since May 2020
2021-09-25 17:02

Shafaq News/ More than 250 terrorists were killed in than 500 security operations carried out by the Counter-Terrorism-Service (CTS) since May 2020, a report by the Iraqi federal agency said on Saturday.

The operations executed by the CTS amounted to 487, during which 257 terrorists were killed, and 472 others were apprehended.

Between May 1, 2020 and September 5, 2021, 629 airstrikes were launched, and 99 humanitarian and 81 child protection campaigns were initiated.

CTS dismantled 211 Explosive vests and devices and seized 356 kilograms of explosive materials, according to the report.

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