CTS completes an eight-day campaign to search prisons throughout Iraq

CTS completes an eight-day campaign to search prisons throughout Iraq

Shafaq News/ Iraq's Counter-Terrorism-Service (CTS) has launched a large-scale operation to search the prisons of the country, said a CTS statement on Sunday.

The statement said that the operation was carried out between January 22 and 31 in the aftermath of the prison break organized by the ISIS terrorist organization in the Syrian city of al-Hasakeh earlier.

The eight-day operation covered the Central al-Taji Prison, the Central Nasiriyah Prison (al-Hout, the Whale), the Central al-Karkh Prison, al-Adala (Justice)/al-Kadhimiyah Prison, the Central Basra Prison, al-Faysalihab Prison, and the Babel Correctional Facility.

The statement said that the CTS intelligence was able to extract vital information about terrorist groups seeking to establish a foot stand in Iraq and surrounding countries.

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