CF asserts ability to elect Parliament Speaker amid Sunni disagreement

CF asserts ability to elect Parliament Speaker amid Sunni disagreement

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the Coordination Framework (CF,) which includes mainly the Shia political coalition, confirmed its capability to secure the election of a new Parliament Speaker, leveraging its majority in the Council of Representatives in the event Sunni political factions fail to reach consensus.

Ali Al-Bindawi, a deputy within the coalition, told Shafaq News Agency that "the deadline for Sunni political factions is nearing its end (July 20), and the Council of Representatives has been without a speaker for nearly nine months now," emphasizing that "The Coordination Framework can elect any candidate for the speaker based on its majority in the parliament, but currently, it is not inclined to push through any candidate not agreed upon within the Sunni political house."

He added, "CF has notified Sunni political forces of the necessity to select a candidate for voting, granting a deadline until the beginning of the legislative session on July 20…If Sunni political factions continue to disagree, the Framework will proceed to convene an election session for the Parliament Speaker. The Framework is determined to resolve this issue soon, without delay."

On November 14, 2023, the Federal Supreme Court decided to terminate the membership of Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi. Subsequently, on November 21, 2023, the Iraqi Parliament officially revoked his membership.

Two extraordinary sessions on January 13 and March 24 aimed to elect a new Speaker but were adjourned due to verbal altercations within the council hall. As of now, the parliamentary council has yet to resolve the issue, resulting in a deadlock that has stalled the enactment of critical legislation.

According to the High Electoral Commission, in the 2021 elections, the Taqadum Party, led by Mohammed al-Halbousi, secured 37 seats; however, Al-Halbousi says that his Movement bloc comprises more than 40 members, so he has the right to nominate the new Speaker.

Notably, CF secures about 130 out of 329 seats in the Parliament, including 40 seats previously held by the Sadrists Movement.

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