Basra Governor dismisses a local official and refers him to investigation

Basra Governor dismisses a local official and refers him to investigation

Shafaq News/ Basra Governor, Assaad al-Eidani, on Monday dismissed the head of the Governorate's Education Directorate only one day after the latter assigned a citizen to monitor the performance of schools headmasters.

According to an official document appended by al-Eidani's signature, the head of the Directorate, Abdul-Hussein Salam Abdul-Hasan, will be relieved from his duties and referred to investigation for "appointing citizens from outside the institutions to supervise and monitor the work of schools in the governorate."

The document stipulated that the deputy head of the Education directorate, Jasem Dagher Mahdi, will operate as a caretaker director in lieu of Abdul-Hasan.

Yesterday, Iraq's Minister of Education, Ali Hamid al-Dulaimi, halted the powers granted by the Basra Education Directorate to "a particular media outlet or other organizations outside the Education foundation to intervene or instruct the educational process."

A brief statement by al-Dulaimi said that this mission is a prerogative of the Education Monitoring Agency exclusively.

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