Baghdad's envoy demands the UN uphold Iraq's sovereignty 

Baghdad's envoy demands the UN uphold Iraq's sovereignty 

Shafaq News/ Iraq's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Mohammad Hussein Bahr al-Uloom, on Tuesday urged the United Nations Security Council to support Iraq's sovereignty and condemn external infringements of its territory.

"The Iranian shelling left Iraqi martyrs and terrified civilians. We appeal to the Security Council to support Iraq's sovereignty and denounce any external aggression from any party," said Bahr al-Uloom. 

"The political stalemate delayed the formation of the new government," he added, "the political forces proceeded with a constructive and serious dialogue to reach understandings." 

"These days mark the third anniversary of the peaceful October 2019 demonstrations," he continued, "the security forces pursued high professionalism in maintaining the peacefulness of the demonstrations and avoiding clashes."

"Iraq is committed with the international community to combating terrorism," he said, "Iraq calls on the United Nations to boost its field presence, the international community to repatriate their citizens from al-Hol camp, and hand the wanted persons to Iraq."

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