Baghdad is ready to welcome the Pope, Fuad Hussien says

Baghdad is ready to welcome the Pope, Fuad Hussien says

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussien, said on Thursday that Iraq had completed the preparations for the Pope's visit to the country, praising the high values that the visit conveys.

Hussein said in a press conference attended by Shafaq News Agency correspondent, "Iraq's mission in the Vatican provided lot of facilities," indicating, "the agenda of the visit is pre-scheduled in cooperation with all the parties."

"All the components of the Iraqi nation are looking forward to the Pope's visit. Baghdad is ready to greet the Pope and welcome holiness."

"The visit is the first since the Coronavirus pandemic, and the Iraqi people are eager to the Pope's arrival because his visit is historic in the sense of the word, and it is the first visit in the history of Iraq."

"Reporters from all over the world will arrive in Iraq to cover this event," Hussein added. 

This Head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council, Hammam Hammoudi, said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, “Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq is a global event, and a vivid embodiment of the greatness of Iraq as a landing for prophets and messengers, a cradle for the first human civilizations, and land of sanctities that still radiates the values ​​of brotherhood, love, peace and noble human ideals, that our people display in their various religions, sects, and nationalities. "

 He continued, "the arranged meeting of Pope Francis with the Supreme Leader, Sayyid Al-Sistani, is a confirmation of the great Islamic authority and its great role in consolidating the values ​​of brotherhood, justice, and peace. It will serve as a historic message of coexistence, tolerance, and the making of a bright future with love."

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