Arbaeen pilgrims gather as Karbala prepares for commemoration

Arbaeen pilgrims gather as Karbala prepares for commemoration

Shafaq News/ A wave of pilgrims from within and beyond Iraq's borders is steadily streaming towards the Karbala Governorate, marking their presence ahead of the forthcoming Arbaeen commemoration dedicated to Imam Hussein, the third Imam of Shia, the grandson of Prophet Muhamed.

In preparation for the influx of pilgrims, a concerted effort has been undertaken to ensure secure land routes leading to Karbala. The region's airports are also witnessing increased activity, with daily flights arriving to accommodate the anticipated surge in numbers, particularly during the event's concluding days.

Speaking to Shafaq News agency, Hussein Halbous, the Media Director of Najaf International Airport, affirmed their commitment to facilitating the pilgrims' journey. "Every provision has been made to streamline the passage of visitors," said Halbous, estimating that Najaf Airport will receive between 120 to 160 flights daily from various Islamic, Arab, and foreign countries.

Abdul Hussein Mohsen, Director of Basra International Airport, highlighted the diverse origins of the pilgrims entering Iraq. "Our airport receives flights from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Iran," Mohsen explained, mentioning that these travelers usually arrive via Qatari Airways, Fly Dubai, and Turkish Airlines. However, due to the proximity of Najaf and Karbala, the number of flights to Basra is comparatively lower, averaging around 5 to 6 flights per day.

The pilgrimage procession commenced over a week ago, as scores of Arbaeen pilgrims set forth from various Iraqi provinces and international locations to participate in the upcoming ceremony. The commemoration of Imam Hussein's martyrdom, scheduled for September 5th, coincides with the 40th day after the observance of Ashura.

In readiness for the surge in visitors, the General Company for Maritime Transport has finalized its preparations to implement the Ministry of Transport's comprehensive plan for the Arbaeen pilgrimage. A fleet of fifty vehicles and 29 boats is now fully equipped and positioned for deployment.

Eng. Ahmed Jassim Al-Asadi, the company's General Manager, underscored their facilities' readiness. The Shatt Al-Arab marina is poised to efficiently manage operations for government support agencies, including passport processing, and is well-equipped to welcome Iranian ferries.

For Shiite Muslims, the Arbaeen commemoration holds deep significance. It marks the remembrance of Imam Hussein's sacrifice in 61 AH (680 AD). Imam Hussein, alongside his family and companions, endured a tragic fate at the hands of the forces led by the Umayyad caliph Yazid bin Muawiyah.

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