Another founding member of Emtidad resigns

Another founding member of Emtidad resigns

Shafaq News/ A founding member of the Emtidad movement, Fatima al-Issawi, on Tuesday said she is bowing out of her role in the political party that ensued from the October 2019 protests.

Al-Issawi said in her strongly-worded resignation letter that she wishes the movement remains consistent with its principles.

The founding member of the Emtidad movement urged the "civil political movements" to commit to the "national constants and political agendas it pledged to implement before its people" and "refrain from leaning toward political ambitions."

The movement was beset by the resignation of three members of its general secretariat. The resigning members were not pleased when the head of the movement, Alaa al-Rikabi, along with six of the movement's MPs, opted to vote for Mohammad al-Halboosi in the parliament's inauguration session, during which the speaker and two deputies were elected.

The movement won nine seats in the parliament. Most of the winners were activists who played prominent roles in the October 2019 protests.

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