Al-Sadr welcomed the UN Envoy Briefing bout the Iraqi elections

Al-Sadr welcomed the UN Envoy Briefing bout the Iraqi elections
Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, held the briefing of the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, regarding the results of the Iraqi elections.

Al-Sadr said on Twitter, "New UN statements regarding the Iraqi elections ... give hope and good…new UN recommendations, which we advise to follow and to stay away from political polemics, violence, and destabilization."

He added, "It is a new opportunity for those who reject the election results to check themselves better and accept the results, not for political benefits but for the people who want a national majority government that will provide security, sovereignty, stability, reconstruction, and services."

Al-Sadr continued, "One of the most important statements issued by the United Nations Envoy is that there is no evidence of electoral fraud... Therefore, the Federal Court must work impartially and deal with appeals professionally without succumbing to political pressures. Therefore, the people are looking forward to reaching safety and comfortable life."

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