Al-Sadr warns of independent MPs of death threats by defeated parties

Al-Sadr warns of independent MPs of death threats by defeated parties
2021-11-24 20:51

Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned the Independent candidates who secured seats in the upcoming parliamentary lineup of yielding to "reward" or "intimidation" by parties that "deem themselves defeated in the parliamentary election."

This came during al-Sadr's reception of a group of independent candidates who obtained seats in the new Iraqi parliament.

Al-Sadr explained, during the meeting, "this session does not aim to form political alliances, nor to discuss the formation of the government, but rather an Iraqi national session to defend the vulnerable," noting, "independent candidates emerged from the elections."

He pointed, "We will witness attempts to buy the independent candidates' positions", either through money or intimidation.

"Independent candidates are vulnerable and have neither a political wing nor an armed one."

Al-Sadr stressed, "I will not submit or accept being under foreign tutelage," calling on independent candidates to define their position and call for a national majority government."

"The national majority government must be the public opinion's demand", noting, "the Kurds also support this demand."

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