Al-Sadr's advisor to Al-Khazaali: disowned your militias, otherwise you are blatant

Al-Sadr's advisor to Al-Khazaali: disowned your militias, otherwise you are blatant

Shafaq News/ Salih Muhammad al-Iraqi, a self-proclaimed advisor of Muqtada al-Sadr, warned the Secretary-General of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Qais al-Khazali, after the clashes that erupted in Basra, the far south of Iraq.

Al-Sadr's advisor said on Twitter, "I warn you, Qais, if you do not rein in your militias, and if you do not disown the murderers and criminals, or prove that they do not belong to you, you are also blatant."

Earlier today, a local source reported that a leader of Saraya al-Salam (the armed wing of the Sadrist movement) was killed, and his companion was injured in an armed clash.

The companion died later of his wounds.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that Hussein Fouad, a leader in Saraya al-Salam, was killed last night in an armed clash in the Bariha area in the center of the Governorate.

In turn, the Security Media Cell said the accident was a murder in the governorate center, confirming that the security forces arrested some suspects.

The Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq media office reported the death of two members in the clashes with Saraya Al-Salam.

Tensions between the Sadrist Movement and the Coordination Forces are at their peak.

Earlier, al-Iraqi said that the Coordination Framework's intention to hold a parliamentary session and form the federal government was a " brazen act."

Al-Iraqi said, "I was not surprised by the positions of (the blatant Coordination Framework) nor by its (blatant militias) when they challenged the entire people, their reference and their sects, that they would resume the Parliament session to form their (blatant government)."

He added, "They have no religion, no morals…what a (blatant tripartite) that does not know the meaning of reform, revolution, peace, or people's suffering."

The Minister of Al-Sadr refers to three CF leaders as "blatant tripartite" Nuri al-Maliki, Qais Khazali, and Ammar al-Hakim.

Al-Sadr's minister added, "This group loves corruption, money, and vice, and did not attempt, not even once, to uncover a single corruption file."

"If they do not declare mourning, let them consider the Sadrist Movement and me their number-one enemy."

He called "the neighbor, Iran, to rein in" its forces in Iraq.

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