Al-Sadr's advisor lambasts Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq's parliamentary bloc: liars and corrupts

Al-Sadr's advisor lambasts Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq's parliamentary bloc: liars and corrupts

Shafaq News/ A self-proclaimed advisor of Muqtada al-Sadr lashed out at what he called the "Kaziboun" (Liars), the Arabic antonym of "Sadiqoun" (Honest), in reference to the parliamentary bloc affiliated with the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement.

Mohammed Salih al-Iraqi, who runs a Twitter account named "the leader's advisor" and widely believed to be al-Sadr's mouthpiece, said in a statement on Monday, "the bloc of Kaziboun... and their allies say that the [Sadrist] movement is [also] liable [of corruption] because it participated in the previous governments."

"The answer: yes, we do. We do not deny it," he added, "we were like Ali bin Yaqteen [a minister of the Abbasid caliphate who secretly tried to use his position in support the 7th Imam of duodenal Shia, Musa al-Kadhim]. However, it did not work because you insist on corruption."

Al-Sadr's advisor continued, "we are not liable because: first, we did not approve the shameful security agreement. Second, we fought the invaders who were the main cause of your corruption. Third, we did not participate in governance, even though your elder insisted we shall do. Fourth, we withdraw six of our ministers for corruption. Fifth, We held the corrupts, or those we suspect are corrupted, among us accountable; You refused, and they joined you. Sixth, the Kaziboun bloc is clear evidence that we fought corruption. We kicked you outside of the movement. Seventh, we did not negotiate with the invaders to get out of prison, as you did—eighth, when you ignited strife, our leader out it down. Ninth, dependence [on external forces] is the main cause of corruption; your leader implies: our dependence is the secret of our success. Tenth, we did not attack the Baiji refinery. Eleventh, your leader says: if corrupts were brought to justice, prisons would not suffice; i.e. they should not be held accountable. Twelfth, we abandoned the election. Thirteenth, we withdraw 73 competent lawmakers to avoid aligning with your corruption. Fourteenth, you abuse al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) for your own desires. We only want to preserve their blood and glowing reputation."

"And many other not act ignorant," he concluded.

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