Al-Sadr refuses holding the Iraqi elections by UN

Al-Sadr refuses holding the Iraqi elections by UN

Shafaq News/ Sairon Alliance led by the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced on Saturday its refusal to hold the Iraqi parliamentary elections by the United Nations.

A leader of the alliance, MP Riad Al-Masoudi, told Shafaq News agency, "All elections all around the world are done under international control," indicating, "the type of supervision differs from a country to another. In most countries the supervision and the monitoring is perfunctory."

Al-Masoudi indicated, "the Iraqi political forces, led by the Sadrist movement, demanded an international supervision on the early parliamentary elections”, emphasizing, “overseeing should be on the electoral process, and not holding elections."

He explained, "this means that the United Nations or any international party will not conduct the Iraqi elections," stressing, "this matter is refused and we will not accept it."

He asserted, "we refuse the participation of the United Nations in the details of the Iraqi early elections, and we refuse any direct interference in this matter," explaining, "We are with the supervision only on the election processes, the voting apparatuses, and the counting and sorting processes."

In the same context, the leader of the State of Law alliance, Nouri al-Maliki, had announced earlier that he refused international supervision of the upcoming Iraqi elections.

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