Al-Sadr prevents its supporters from releasing statements on behalf of the Movement

Al-Sadr prevents its supporters from releasing statements on behalf of the Movement

Shafaq News/ Muqtada Al-Sadr issued a statement preventing its supporters from interfering in any political issues.

Al-Sadr's office said that his supporters are not allowed to make political press statements including on social media, or raise slogans, flags, and political chants, on behalf of the Sadrist Movement.

The step comes after al-Sadr said that he was withdrawing from politics and closing his institutions in response to the political deadlock.

In addition, the committee supervising the demonstrations and sit-ins affiliated with the Sadrist Movement also suspended its work.

The committee said in brief, "we apologize if we had any mistakes in the previous days, and we have maintained peace throughout the past."

The Shiite cleric said that his final withdrawal was because the political forces did not heed his calls for reform."

A political deadlock has gripped the country since poorly-attended elections in October 2021, which have yet to result in a new government.

Al-Sadr withdrew his lawmakers from parliament in June after he failed to form a government of his choosing. A political impasse between him and Shi'ite rivals close to Iran has given Iraq its longest run without a government.

Supporters of Sadr have, since the end of July, occupied parliament and protested near government buildings, halting the process of choosing a new president and prime minister.

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