Al-Maliki calls political forces to cooperate to strengthen national unity, security, and stability

Al-Maliki calls political forces to cooperate to strengthen national unity, security, and stability

Shafaq News/ The Secretary-General of the Islamic Dawa Party, Nuri al-Maliki, announced his position on the electoral process on Friday, sending messages to several parties, including the High Electoral Commission.

"The democratic path is the only way to embody the will of the people and produce the authority that expresses its free and independent decision." Al-Maliki said in a statement

He added, "Our beloved country is going through a delicate historical stage, and everyone must hold the responsibility in ensuring civil peace and the unity of Iraqis, and preventing slipping into chaos and disagreements and working by the guidance of the supreme religious reference."

Al-Maliki stressed, "the need to reassure the Iraqi street and the blocs competed in the elections for their votes, to respect the choices of those who voted for them, and to address the imbalance that accompanied the electoral process."

He continued, "Our words are directed to the High Electoral Commission to take the matter seriously and fix the defect constitutionally and legally," calling on all parties and political forces to "cooperate to strengthen national unity, security and stability, deal responsibly with events, and create the appropriate atmosphere to form a strong government and serve the people."

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