Al-Maliki calls for "respecting the impartiality of the judiciary"

Al-Maliki calls for "respecting the impartiality of the judiciary"

Shafaq News/ On Friday, the head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, called all parties to support judicial decisions.

In a statement, Al-Maliki said, "We must respect the judiciary and its impartiality and the impartiality of the Federal Court decisions, whether issued in favor or contrary to any party."

He called for preserving the independence of the judiciary and the impartiality of its role because it is "the last pillar for the stability of the political process on the constitutional path."

Al-Maliki's statement came after the Leader of the Sadrist Movement criticized the judiciary and its decisions.

Al-Sadr lashed out at the Iraqi judiciary for backing the "disgraceful deeds" of what he called the "blocking one-third," hinting that he might pull out the streets card.

In a public speech he delivered earlier today, al-Sadr said, "the people are suffering from poverty...the audacity has reached a point that laws that might benefit the people are annulled shamelessly," in reference to the revocation of the emergency food security bill.

"They are aiming at the people. They want them to kneel. It is more surprising that the judiciary, knowingly or not, is aiding the blocking one-third's shameless acts."

"Authority has blinded them from the burden, fear, poverty, loss, militias, external reliance, fear of normalization, and diseases."

Al-Sadr warned of the public protests that might erupt. "You may not be safe from the roar of wronged people."

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