Al-Kadhimi receives 25 ambassador to discuss the security of international missions in Iraq

Al-Kadhimi receives 25 ambassador to discuss the security of international missions in Iraq

Shafaq News / The office of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi announced on Wednesday that the latter held a meeting with the ambassadors of 25 brotherly and friendly countries, upon their request, to discuss recent developments regarding the security of diplomatic missions in Iraq.

According to a statement by his office received by Shafaq News Agency, Al-Kadhimi affirmed that Iraq is keen to, "impose the rule of law, confine the arms in the hands of the state and protect diplomatic missions and headquarters", stressing that, "the perpetrators of attacks on diplomatic missions seek to destabilize Iraq and sabotage its regional and international relations".

"The attacks do not target international missions only, but also target innocent citizens, including children. The state's security institutions are determined to put an end to them and begin taking the necessary measures to achieve this goal", he continued.

Al-Kadhimi stressed, "the outlaws who try to harm Iraq's reputation and its international obligations are inspired by non-national motives. Those despise the will of the Iraqi people and their religious, political and cultural references that are unanimous about the seriousness of what they are doing".

He added, "Iraq, the people and the government, will stand up to these and will work to protect its guests as required by diplomatic norms throughout history and turn the page on conflicts and terrorism and end the economic and social challenges and development requirements".

For their part, the ambassadors emphasized, in separate statements, "support for Iraq and its people, respect for its sovereignty, and pursuit of dialogue to achieve stability and peace and ensure friendship and cooperation. They expressed their concern about the increase of attacks against diplomatic facilities, and the risks these attacks carry on the lives of Iraqi diplomats and civilians", stressing, "they welcome the steps taken by the Iraqi government to put an end to these attacks, bring those involved in them to justice and tighten security measures".

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