Al-Kadhimi commemorates the anniversary of the Defensive Jihad Fatwa

Al-Kadhimi commemorates the anniversary of the Defensive Jihad Fatwa

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, commemorated the anniversary of the "Defensive Jihad" issued by the top Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, against the terrorist organization of ISIS, stressing that it curbed a "terrorist monster" that terrorized the entire world.

In a statement issued by his office earlier today, Monday, PM al-Kadhimi said, "The country went through very difficult circumstances in these days, which put Iraq before a serious existential challenge, had it not been for the divine providence of this sacred homeland. The fatwa and directives issued by the supreme reference, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, led to the elimination of this organization in a period that the whole world could not even imagine."

" The Iraqis, of all kinds and sects, responded to the comprehensive call for all volunteers to join the official security forces to confront ISIS," he noted, "the fatwa pumped new blood into the body of Iraq and the Iraqis, and the world was living a difficult moment over a horrific event that manifested itself in the loss of Iraq's largest city, Umm al-Rabiein, And its fall into the hands of the terrorist ISIS, and what followed was the fall of multiple governorates and cities, the slaughter of their people, the desecration of their sanctities, and the captivity of their free women, by criminal terrorist gangs."

 "We are working to correct these paths and put the country on the right  track by supporting the armed forces and controlling their performance in accordance with national military rules, as the reference has always recommended, warning against exploiting the fatwa politically and economically in favor of non-national projects that spoil the sacrifices of heroic volunteers."

" The Iraqis always strive to consolidate the pillars of fraternity among the members of society as a single national fabric, enjoying all their rights without discrimination, and addressing allegations of hatred and incitement to violence."

" The language of tolerance and forgiveness must prevail and overcome the language of revenge and violence," he added, "this government, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, is standing firm to build a prosperous and promising future."

"Soon you will have a role in building your future through your participation in the elections," he continued, "the government has taken upon itself to follow a moderate and deliberate approach in dismantling crises and move apart from the policy of reactions and excitement that previously drove the country into disasters."

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