Al-Halboosi arrives in Erbil heading high-level delegation

Al-Halboosi arrives in Erbil heading high-level delegation

Shafaq News / Iraq's Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halboosi arrived in Erbil, accompanied by the candidate for premiership Mohammed Shiya'a al-Sudani, and chairman of the PMF Falih al-Fayadh.

Member of the Coordination Framework (CF) Mu'een al-Kadhimi told Shafaq News agency that the high-level delegation arrived in the capital of the Kurdistan Region to agree on a date to hold the Presidential election session and nominate a Prime Minister.

He added that during the visit, the delegation will put the final touches on the new cabinet.

In addition, a source in the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) revealed to Shafaq News agency that al-Halboosi will meet with the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, and a number of senior officials in Erbil.

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