Al-Hakim met with Barzani today and discussed early elections

Al-Hakim met with Barzani today and discussed early elections

Shafaq News / President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, met today, Wednesday, with Ammar al-Hakim, head of the National Wisdom Movement.

A statement issued by the region’s presidency said that during the meeting, both parties discussed the situation of Iraq, the early elections, problems between Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government, dialogue and steps to solve problems.

The statement added, "The two sides emphasized the importance of solving the country's problems and joint action between Iraqi national parties to face the challenges and save the country from problems and crises".

The statement added that there were discussions and exchanges of views on confronting terrorism, the political process in the country and the importance of the participation of the Iraqi components in it, the protection of the law and the country's sovereignty, as well as the commitment to the constitution and the federal system.

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