Al-Araji holds a meeting to assess Iraq's commitment to international decisions

Al-Araji holds a meeting to assess Iraq's commitment to international decisions

Shafaq News / The Iraqi National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, held an expanded security meeting to assess Iraq's commitment to international decisions on combating terrorism.

 Al-Araji's media office said in a statement that the latter presided over the second meeting of 2021, of the National Committee for Combating Terrorism and Money Laundering, which is competent to implement Iraq's obligations with the UN Security Council resolutions related to combating terrorism.

The statement indicated that high-level representatives in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Interior, Justice and Finance, the National Intelligence Service, the Counter-Terrorism Service, the National Security Agency, and the Anti-Money Laundering Directorate, attended the meeting.

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