Al-Anbar to resolve border issues with Baghdad

Al-Anbar to resolve border issues with Baghdad

Shafaq News/ The technical advisor of al-Anbar governor, Jasem el-Asal, said that the governorate is engaged in multi-faceted negotiations over border issues, denying any intention to establish a new governorate.

El-Asal said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency that the administrative issues related to the borders between Fallujah and al-Ameriya districts are moving headway towards a resolution point, indicating that the governorate will include those areas in the reconstruction.

El-Asal said that al-Anbar's administration had engaged the complex issue of the security wall between Baghdad and al-Anbar, adding that the governorate laid plans to rehabilitate and reconstruct those areas in preparation to replace this security surveillance camera.

Al-Anbar's governor technical advisor said that the governorate did not receive its share of the revenues of any of its three international border-crossings (Arar, Trebil, al-Walid) because the Federal budget was not approved, "this year, after voting upon the budget, those revenues will be added to the governorate's share of the budget."

El-Asal undermined the reports about establishing a new governorate, "the reports emerging about establishing a new governorate in the west of al-Anbar are unfounded rumors started by politically bankrupt."

"This matter is decided by the people of western al-Anbar themselves. We support all the rights endorsed by the constitution. The local government has not engaged any movement or negotiations in this regard."

"whatever endorsed by the constitution, it is a right for the Iraqi people. They decide and choose their destiny whether they want independence or not. We support whatever al-Anbar people want, a governorate or a region."

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