Al-Amiri arrives in the Green Zone to mediate in Musleh's crisis

Al-Amiri arrives in the Green Zone to mediate in Musleh's crisis

Shafaq News/ The leader of al-Fatah Alliance, the Secretary-General of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri, arrived on Wednesday to mediate between the claimants in the issue of the arrest of PMF's Operation's Commander in al-Anbar, Qassem Musleh.

Al-Amiri, who arrived this evening in the Green Zone, had established channels with the PMF's Commanders and political leaders in the headquarters of the PMF, a source familiar with the matter said.

The source added that the Secretary-General of the Badr Organization will convene with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, to ease the tension resulting from Musleh's arrest.

Another source told Shafaq News Agency earlier today that four brigades from the PMF, in addition to a security force affiliated with it, encircled sites inside the Green Zone, including the residences of PM al-Kadhimi, Major-General Abu Ragheef, and the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

PMF also deployed troops near Turkey's embassy close to the hanged Bridge, the source added. 

The forces made their demands clear: handing the detained PMF commander, Qassim Musleh, and holding those who detained him accountable in exchange for retreating from the Green Zone.

Earlier today, the Iraqi Special forces and army tanks were deployed in the "Green Zone" in Baghdad's downtown, a source revealed.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the Iraqi army tanks were deployed near the entrances and the entrances of the heavily fortified area in Central Baghdad, in addition to heavy security presence on all the entrances, including the hanged Bridge leading to al-Karrada.

These measures came shortly after a group of military vehicles affiliated with the PMF stormed the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad amid a prevailing climate of palpable tension in the wake of the detention of PMF's commander, Qassem Musleh.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that a group of PMF military vehicles entered the al-Muqatel "the Fighter" Square inside the Green Zone.

Fighters of the PMF pushed down the fence surrounding the square and lifted posters of the PMF leaders, including Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the source added.

Earlier today, authorities reportedly tightened security measures at the entrances of the Green Zone in the wake of the apprehension of the PMF commander, Qassem Musleh.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that only those who carry badges are allowed to enter the Green Zone.

 Security authorities were concerned that PMF fighters might storm the Green Zone and breach security. 

It is noteworthy that the new measures have caused a huge traffic jam at the entrances of the Green Zone.


The commander of al-Anbar Operations in the PMF, Qassem Musleh, was reportedly arrested today, Wednesday.

Security sources revealed that a special security force arrested Musleh in the Dora area, south of Baghdad, and took him to a security headquarters.

According to the same sources, Musleh’s arrest was for charges related to public funds issues.

Sources in the PMF said that Musleh was detained per the orders of the head of the Anti-Corruption Committee, Lieutenant-General Ahmed Abu Ragheef, because the former prevented US forces arriving from Syria from entering the Iraqi territory, indicating that they will frame him in a criminal case.

Musleh, a prominent commander of the PMF, had close ties with the late commander of the Iranian Quds force, Qassem Soleimani, and the former Deputy head of the PMF authority, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

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