Al-Ameri calls to find “realistic” solutions to the political deadlock

Al-Ameri calls to find “realistic” solutions to the political deadlock

Shafaq News/ The leader of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Hadi al-Amiri, warned of the challenges facing Iraq at many levels calling for overcoming the political deadlock in the country.

Speaking on the 41st anniversary of establishing the "Badr" organization, Al-Amiri stressed that its Alliance works hard to find a “realistic” solution to the “exceptional circumstances.”

The Badr's Secretary-General added, "The world is changing at many levels. We must expedite to end the political deadlock to support Iraq taking back its major role in the region and the world.”

He also talked about the repercussions of the International events on the Iraqi arena, including the war in Ukraine, the Iranian nuclear file, and the Yemen war.

“The current living conditions in Iraq, including the high prices, lack of job opportunities, and climatic drought, obligate us to hold responsibility and form a strong government capable of providing solutions. Otherwise, we will all lose, and there will be no winner. The biggest loser is Iraq and its people." He said.

The prominent Shiite leader also spoke about other “challenges” in Iraq, such as “atheism, homosexuality, Wahhabi thinking, violating sanctities, the drugs."

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