A sunni bloc on uncontrolled arms: 2018 scenario may recur

A sunni bloc on uncontrolled arms: 2018 scenario may recur

Shafaq News / The head of "Bayariq Al-Khair" Parliamentary Bloc, MP Muhammad Al-Khalidi, expressed on Tuesday his concerns about fraud in the early parliamentary elections in light of the spread of uncontrolled arms. 

 Al-Khalidi told Shafaq News agency, "no fair and just elections can be held in Iraq, with the Uncontrolled arms". 

 He indicated, "holding elections with the presence of those arms means repeating the 2018 scenario. There will be fraud and manipulation of the election results". 

"there are political parties that uses the uncontrolled arms to intimidate and entice citizens to elect certain parties and personalities", he continues. 

 He added, "this took place in the 2018 parliamentary elections", noting that there are "political and popular fears of the recurrence of these acts; and for this reason, the state must quickly get arms in the hands of the state, in real terms, before going to any electoral process".

 Early parliamentary elections are scheduled to take place on the sixth of next June, amid pledges from the government to conduct a fair and free voting process.

 The Iraqi government launches inspection campaigns to confiscate unauthorized weapons with members of clans and armed factions.

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