A source discloses to Shafaq News ISIS's plan to attack Kirkuk

A source discloses to Shafaq News ISIS's plan to attack Kirkuk
Shafaq News / A reliable security source reported today that ISIS was planning to target government and security departments in Kirkuk. 

 According to the information that the source gave in his interview with Shafaq News agency, two weeks ago, ISIS entered weapons and ammunition to the governorate with the presence of a huge number of sleeper cells.

 The source added that the organization was planning to target the North Oil Company, Kirkuk Education Directorate, and the police commander's house with booby-trapped vehicles, as well as bombing the city with mortar bombs.

ISIS is seeking to reach Al-Tasfirat prison, which contains 900 prisoners including 400 ISIS terrorists. The attackers were planning to wear emergency police uniforms, with the help of emergency personnel.

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