A parliamentary move to put an end to security breaches and activists assassinations

A parliamentary move to put an end to security breaches and activists assassinations

A parliamentary move to put an end to security breaches and activists assassinations

Shafaq News / MP Ahmad Mazhar al-Jubouri said on Saturday that the Minister of Interior, Othman al-Ghanmi, will soon be received at the Parliament to discuss the recent security breaches and the assassinations of activists in several Iraqi governorates. 

Al-Jubouri strongly condemned the perpetual security breaches in Baghdad and other governorates and the weak security measures taken by the Ministry of Interior.

He added, "The security breaches are incessant in several regions, and many activists are falling victims to assassinations all over the country."

"If the parliament is not convinced by the minister's answers, it will render the visit an interrogation, and it will take several different measures."

Diyala's MP stressed the necessity of improving the security aspect in the country, especially since "the legislative elections are around the corners and that Iraqis are looking forward to seeing some change for the better."

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