A delegation from the federal judiciary to visit Erbil tomorrow

A delegation from the federal judiciary to visit Erbil tomorrow

Shafaq News / An informed source in Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region revealed today, Monday, that the head of the Supreme Judicial Council in Iraq will visit Erbil tomorrow at the head of a high-ranking delegation, to hold a series of meetings with senior leaders and officials in the region.

The source said in an interview with Shafaq News agency, "The Iraqi judicial delegation includes, in addition to the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, both the head of the Judicial Oversight Commission, Judge Jassem Al-Amiri, the Director-General of the Supreme Judicial Council, Rahim Abd Hassan, and the head of the regional government representation in Baghdad, Faris Issa".

He explained, "The delegation will hold a series of meetings with both the Kurdish leader and the head of Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, and the head of the regional government, Masrour Barzani".

It is expected that the delegation will be received by the Minister of Justice in the regional government, Firsat Ahmed, and senior officials in the judicial authority in Kurdistan Region.

It is hoped that the relations between the two judicial authorities will be at the forefront of the topics that the two sides will discuss, as well as supporting the positive trend in developing relations between the regional and Federal governments.

Last Wednesday, the two judicial authorities in Iraq and Kurdistan discussed amending the Federal Court’s law and Kurdistan Region Judicial Council’s participation in nominating its members.

A statement by the Judiciary Media office stated, "The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faik Zaidan, received in his office today, the head of Kurdistan Region Council, Judge Benin Qassem, Minister of Justice, Firsat Ahmed, and the head of the regional government representation in Baghdad, Faris Issa".

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