A broad parliamentary agreement to legislate the Yazidi women survivors' law

A broad parliamentary agreement to legislate the Yazidi women survivors' law

Shafaq News / The First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Hassan Al-Kaabi revealed a broad parliamentary agreement to legislate the Yazidi Women Survivors Law.

Al-Kaabi said in a statement issued after a ceremony held by Parliament to honor Yazidi female survivors that there is a broad parliamentary agreement to legalize mass graves and Yazidi female survivors in the coming period, after a thorough assessment of the issue.

He considered this step a message to the international community that the black era of ISIS will not pass without a legislative cover documenting its painful details.

Al-Kaabi pointed out, "The tragedy of the Yazidis is a reminder of all the pain inflicted on all Iraqis", calling on the government to form an office in Sinjar, responsible for rescuing the kidnapped Yazidis by ISIS.

The bill relies on securing Yazidi female survivors' rights to enable them to reintegrate into society after the terrible suffering they lived during their abduction by ISIS.

ISIS carried out genocide crimes against Yazidis when it invaded Sinjar district, west of Mosul, in August 2014.

The terrorist organization killed men, buried them in mass graves, and kidnapped about 6 thousand people, most of them children, women, and girls, sold into sexual slavery.

According to the Office of the Rescue of Yazidi Abductees in the Kurdistan Region, the total number of kidnapped men and women who have not been released so far is 2887.

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