Political gridlock persists in Iraqi Parliament over Speaker nomination

Political gridlock persists in Iraqi Parliament over Speaker nomination

Shafaq News/ The Shiite Coordination Framework reiterated its rejection on Tuesday of amending the internal regulations of the Parliament to reopen the nomination for the parliament Speaker. 

Deputy Ali Al-Bandawi told Shafaq News agency, "calls by the Taqadum Party (led by Mohammed Al-Halbousi) to amend the internal regulations of the parliament for the parliament presidency nomination are rejected and cannot be accepted." 

Al-Bandawi highlighted the lack of consensus among Sunni political forces on a single candidate for the parliament presidency, urging them "to respect the deputies' will in choosing a suitable candidate… the ongoing conflicts do not benefit the Sunni component."

The recent parliamentary session on May 18 to elect a new president ended without a resolution after two rounds of voting. The deadlock escalated into physical clashes among deputies, as it happened in the January 2024 session. 

Neither of the two main candidates secured a majority.

The Parliament's media office announced that 137 lawmakers chose Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, the oldest MP, while 158 picked Salem al-Issawi.

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