141 artifacts found in Diyala

141 artifacts found in Diyala

Shafaq News / Diyala's archaeology department revealed seizing 141 artifacts in Baquba and al-Muqdadiyah.

The head of the department, Ahmed Khammas, told Shafaq News agency that a specialized team found 91 artifacts west of Baquba, dating back to the Seleucid and Parthian periods.

Khammas said that most of the artifacts are vases, oil lamps, utensils of different shapes and sizes, beads, jewelry, silver coins, and dolls.

In addition, 50 artifacts were found in al-Zindan archaeological site in al-Muqdadiyah, including vases, oil lamps, spears, coins, and jewelry, dating back to the Sassanid and Islamic eras.

Diyala includes more than 800 archaeological sites, only 5% of which were excavated.

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